At Mama's1stchoice, our aim is to provide 100% satisfaction to our customers. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the product, we are here to help.
Please find below the details of the policy, as applicable, for the products sold on Mama's1stchoice:
*Please note that certain products in the mentioned table may or may not be eligible for return, replacement, or exchange, as otherwise mentioned against them below. For all products, the return or replacement/exchange policy on the product/combo page at the time that the order was placed shall prevail. The return or replacement/exchange policy of a product is subject to change depending on business requirements, and the policy that was active at the time of order purchase will be applicable.
Products | Brands | Policy |
Clothes & Footwear | - | Return/Exchange period will be same as Product Details Page* |
Birthday | - | Return Period of 2 Days from the Delivery Date* |
- | Replacement Period of 7 Days from the Delivery Date* |
- | Return Period of 7 Days from the Delivery Date* |
- |
No Return/Replacement Accepted |
If the product is not eligible for a replacement or exchange after delivery for any reason, such as the product being out of stock, the return pickup for the product unavailable, or any other similar reason, you may return the product within the return period after delivery.
Please return the product in its original packaging, including all parts and freebies. When returning a product, please make sure that it is correctly packed. Please note that if an Incorrect Product(s) is handed by you to our Courier Service Partner, Mama's1stchoice shall not be responsible for any loss/damage/theft caused to such Incorrect product while in transit or otherwise.
At the time of Pick up, certain products may be subjected to doorstep Quality Control Inspection. The Quality Control parameters like Same Brand, Style, Color, Size, No of pcs in the pack, Same Brand Box Packaging, Same Box packaging in No Damage condition(Resalable), No Missing accessories like laces, flower, bow, tie, etc., Security tag on garment, Used/Unused may be checked by the courier partner. If any of the parameters are not met, the return request of the product may be put on hold. Please note, you can raise another Return request as long as the return window for that product has not expired.
Once the original product(s) has been received at our Facility and the quality check has been carried out, your replacement/exchange product will be shipped to your given address, in case of returns, the refund for the original product(s) will be processed, as applicable.
A fixed shipping charge of Rs. 50 shall be levied if the customer refuses to accept the original order with products eligible for replacement/exchange only or if the customer refuses to accept the replacement/exchange product(s), once the same has been shipped to the customer.
If any or all of the products that were originally part of an order placed using a coupon or offer are returned, then the coupon code/offer will no longer be applicable on the order. The benefit of the coupon/offer will also not be included in the refund. However, in the case of a replacement / exchange, the replacement/exchange order will get the benefit of the same coupon code/offer that was applied to the original order.
For products under the Furniture category, you may be eligible to return the product within 48 hours post delivery in case of damage, defects, if there are parts or components missing, if the product delivered to you was different from what you had ordered or the product is non-functional.
Products purchased using the kiosks at the stores may only be returned at the stores. Returns for products purchased at the kiosk will not be accepted through the website. Replacement / exchange is currently only available for products purchased online, not in-store purchases.
If you place a return request on a product with which a free product was associated, then the free product may also get cancelled if such free product has not been dispatched or in transit for delivery at Customer's designated location (even if the Return request is cancelled).
For offers involving a free product, Cash on Delivery will not be allowed.
If a free product(s) is received in a damaged or defective state, or if the free product is absent from the shipment delivered to you, Mama's1stchoice will not process any refunds or replacements for the aforementioned free product.
In the case of returns, the refund process will be initiated once we have received the product back in our Facility and have completed all the quality checks and verifications at our end. The mode of refund may depend on the mode of payment used by the customer at the time of placing the order.
In the case of replacements/exchange, no refund will be issued; instead, the new product(s) will be shipped to the customer only after the original product(s) has/have been returned.
The entire amount paid by you for the product/service through any of the payment modes, can be refunded in two ways:
- Original source transfer - The amount will be refunded to the source from where the payment was made by customer at the time of placing the order. Ex: If payment was made via Debit Card then the amount will be refunded to the very Debit card linked bank account used by the customer at the time of making initial purchase.
Below is how you can choose your desired transfer mode during the refund process:
Please note in case of mix payment modes the respective amount will be refunded back as per below mentioned table,however Mama's1stchoice has the final authority on refund transfer mode:
Source of payment | Source of refund |
Paid via Cash refund | Credit amount in cash refund section |
Paid via GC | Credit amount back in Cash Refund |
Paid via GSO | Credit amount back in GSO code |
Paid via prepaid option | Credit amount back in prepaid source |
Paid via Club Cash | Credit amount back in customers Club Cash account |
Paid by COD | Bank Transfer/UPI |